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Academic Papers
Optimising 'Test and Trace' Systems: Early lessons from a comparative analysis of six countries
17 September 2020
Joshua Moon, Choon Key Chekar, David Barberá, Gail Davey, Sibylle Gaisser, Tobias Gaisser, Collins Iwuji, Enrique Meseguer, James G Ryan, and Michael M. Hopkins.
More or Less - Test and Trace costs in the UK and Germany
BBC Radio 4, January 2022
Forscher gegen die Pandemie & Der negative Test ist kein Freibrief
FLZ, April 2021
Who passes the test in the race to beat Covid… and are other countries really doing better than us?
Daily Mail, 2 November 2020
Coronavirus in maps and charts: Tracking the outbreak around the world
The Independent, 21 October 2020
Policy Brief | September 2020
Flaws in the UK Covid-19 testing system
Written Evidence | June 2020
House of Lords Science and Technology Committee: The Science of COVID-19
4 Things To Know About The Rapid Covid-19 Tests At Heathrow Airport
Huffington Post, 20 October 2020
BBC Inside Science: Test and trace - how the UK compares to the rest of the world
BBC Radio 4, 15 October 2020
Covid-19 data error lays bare our reliance on complicated testing system
The Times, 5 October 2020
The Evidence: Covid lessons for safe school reopening
BBC World Service, 27 September 2020
UK failing to use its high Covid test capacity efficiently, study shows
The Guardian, 24 September 2020
Johnson Pledges Millions of Covid Tests But U.K. Labs Can’t Cope
Bloomberg, 12 September 2020
Coronavirus: Police warn people not to party this weekend
Channel 4 News, 12 September 2020
Sussex professor: Government mistakes worsened Covid-19 crisis
The Argus, 31 July 2020
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